Spread Courage

About this collection:
The Spread Courage project was first created in 2012. Kelsey was a student at the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) obtaining a BFA in Metal Smithing & Jewelry Design. She carved a lion head to represent courage and initially created 50 bracelets that she gave away with instructions that If you came across a “spread courage” bracelet you had a week to perform an act of courage and pass the bracelet on. Inspired by the work of Brene Brown who spoke about courage & vulnerability as well as the existential psychologist Rollo May who wrote “The Courage to Create”. This project helped connect art making with humanistic psychology which eventually lead her into the field of Art Therapy.
The Spread Courage Collection utilizes the original lion carving and represents how little acts of courage & personal authenticity make us who we are. Jewelry is a form of self expression and we hope wearers of the Spread Courage collection are reminded that:
“Courage is contagious. Every time we choose courage, we make everyone around us a little better and the world a little braver”
-Brene Brown.